Forest Hill Trail Run CANCELLED

As a rural school we, like many others, are constantly looking for fundraising ideas. This, coupled with wanting to encourage healthy minds and bodies as well as embrace our local environment we are excited to hold our inaugural trail run on 20th February 2022!!
The Forest Hill Trail Run is held within the magnificent Forest Hill Reserve and adjoining private farmland and is to raise funds for our awesome rural primary, Lochiel School.
We are thrilled to have AB Lime to support this event and caring for our rural community.
We have three awesome options to choose from: Piwakawaka Challenge - a 5km walk/run; Kereru Krusher - an awesome 15km and Tui Trailblazer – 25km, the ultimate challenge!
The start/finish line will be a hive of activity with plenty to do post run or while dutifully awaiting for your running buddy! We will have CARVE FITNESS giving some warm up drills, hot coffee, refreshments and food options and well as an awesome kids corner with obstacle course and more!!
Forest Hill is a wonderful resource that we are lucky to have as part of our school landscape and the track weaving over the hill is an amazing asset to Southlanders.
The farmland that the Piwakawakas will summit onto and the Kereru and Tui runners will trail across is privately owned and not open to the public under normal circumstances - enjoy the rare access to run this awesome rural landscape! The farm trail runs through paddocks so the presence of mud, animal droppings and uneven terrain should be embraced!
More details can be found on our facebook page - with earlybird pricing on now we suggest you register now!!