Julia Grace Weekend Event

Julia Grace hails from Auckland and is a professional speaker, award winning singer /songwriter as well as a writer, teacher, wife and mum. Julia is passionate about spreading an authentic message of hope and inspiration based on her own journey of faith and healing. Her big topic at the moment is based around mental wellness, tackling the heavy topics such as depression, crisis and anxiety with a lighter touch.
Friday 28th September 7pm :Combined Youth Night
This evening is tailored specifically for all young people and will touch on area’s around self esteem and self worth. Parents and those that work with youth are also welcome. The evening will include a light supper.
Saturday 29th September 10am : Mental Health Q & A
Mental health affects people in different ways and from all walks of life. It can be a difficult topic to talk about, but we want to help remove the stigma attached to mental health and wellness. We invite you to join us for an interactive discussion around how to get help, be a support to someone and gain a better understanding of what people may face. This will be an informal gathering over tea and coffee for anyone who wants to learn more.
Saturday 29th September 7pm : Songs & Stories Concert
Come along and be inspired by Julia’s message of hope as she shares her story and music with a light humorous touch. This event is open to everyone and will be a fun evening out for the whole family. Julia has won a NZ music award for best gospel/christian album and has 4 #1 hits.
Sunday 30th September 10am : Church Service
If you have been a part of our weekend events we welcome you to join us for our combined church service with special guest Julia Grace. We will have a shared lunch following the service.
All events are free but we welcome any donations / offerings.
Central Southland Presbyterian Church Complex,11 Meldrum Street, Winton.
For further information contact the church office 236-9792 or Amy 021 228 6479