aterForce is a New Zealand owned and operated Irrigaton and Pumping company with 11 branches throughout New Zealand. WaterForce established a branch in Winton with two local Southland investors in 2006, from humble beginnings on the main street, WaterForce is now located at 20 Winton-Hedgehope Highway in a purpose built facility, designed with the client in mind with easy access whether in your ute, towing a trailer or large truck, we offer a large product range of all water, effluent, filtration and irrigation related products in our showroom, this is supported by knowledgeable staff, trained to assist you make the right selection. Our workshop is fully equipped for servicing and testing all the equipment we sell.
WaterForce supply and offer full back up service for all water and effluent pump brands, irrigation equipment and spares -
Water Pumps -
Grundfos, DAB, Goulds, Lowara, Onga, Pedrollo Pumps, Davey, Honda & Onga Petrol Pumps
Effluent Pumps -
EcoPump, Mono, PCM, Alfa Pompe, Rovatti, Gillies, Yardmaster
Irrigation -
Valley Centre Pivots, Ocmis Hard Hose Irrigators, Briggs, Plucks, Numedic, Williams, RX K-Line & Max Pods, Irripod
Filtration -
Household filters & cartridges, Forsi Iron & Manganese Filtration Units, Neutralisers, UV Filtration systems
Monday - Friday: 7.30am - 5.00pm, Saturday: Closed

- Contact Phone: 236 9805
- Email: southland@waterforce.co.nz
- Web: www.waterforce.co.nz/southland
- Address: 20 Winton-Hedgehope Highway, Winton